Friday, December 18, 2015

Software Portability and Optimization course review

The Software Portability and Optimization course have been a rough, this course is full of a lot of information. Everything that I learned was new to me and most of that was interesting and additionally Chris Tyler told us about some handy tools beside course material. In the beginning I regretted taking this course but it turned out an interesting class and when you email Chris with problem he replies within a day to keep us moving so we don't get stuck on our work.

Things that I liked most is working with shell scripting, learning new things about Linux, improving programs using algorithms and compilation process (compiler options). Chris gave and showed samples on how he did the work which got us started. Before this course when I wrote code I'd try to improve it by removing unnecessary variables and code, trying to consume minimal memory as possible but these things never made difference because I learned that the compiler readjusted the code to improve it. So, the things that I did to improve the code the compiler does it automatically therefore, from now on I'll just work with compiler options to improve my code other than manually doing it.

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